Showroom closed on 17 May


Enjoy the hottest sexual devices, accessories, and playthings created for the heightened sensual delight of both men and women. Pipedream makes your erotic fantasies a reality. These are the sex toys that will make things go bump in the night!

Go bold with Extreme sensual aids. Experience delights such as the PDX Elite Deluxe Mega-Bator Masturbator. Or you might be royally aroused by the King Cock series, offering tumescent toys in a rainbow of hues, lengths, and girths. Maybe a tango with Varsity Vicky, the Life-Size Love Doll! While the BDSM fans among us will appreciate the Spinning Fantasy Swing, Spread 'em Bar and Cuff Set, and Crotchless Harness!

Icicles are gorgeous, sleek, smart, and ergonomically perfect glass sex toys that will have you shivering with orgasmic bliss! Glass does amazing things with temperature changes; the smoothness is sensational, and it's hypoallergenic. Experience the Vibrating Glass Massager in gold, Glass Anal Plug 3" in pink, Glass Dido 7" in clear, or Glass Whip with the translucent handle that does double-duty as a dildo. Icicles are a type of sex toy that inspires play and display!

Easy online shopping makes getting your adult pleasure products from a sex toy shop wonderfully simple! Lay long, hard, hot pipe tonight with Pipedream!

One of the first companies to start selling sex toys to the masses, Pipedream continues to create innovative products for consumers. Pipedream novelties offers dildos in a variety of materials from glass to silicone to metal. Pipedream lines include Ceramix, a series of ceramic dildos and plugs, stainless steel dildos and toys under the MetalWorx Moniker and bondage implements in their Fetish Fantasy series. Whatever your desire it, Pipedream products has something for you.